Comic Review: Green Wake Volume 1

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Green Wake, Volume 1

Green Wake, Volume 1

There is a nigh-palpable miasma cloaking the denizens of the town of Green Wake, seeping through their bones, settling into the brick, mortar, and rotting wood of its buildings. Coupled with a collective amnesia about the place and its origins, it pervades the narrative, tainting everyone and everything, taunting the reader with half revealed glimpses behind its masks.

Green Wake feels, at first, a cousin to other dark corners of the earth, such as Innsmouth, but it horrors are more unworldly – if anything could be. As in that misbegotten, best forgotten town of New England lore, things are not as they first appear. Unlike the forsaken stopover en route to venerable Arkham, however, Green Wake is further removed from the familiar while appearing more familiar. No one arrives in Green Wake with luggage, but everyone has baggage.

How and where their paths cross and interconnect is only where the narrative begins. How it unfolds is where the artistry of Kurtis J. Wiebe and Riley Rossmo shines — in a glass darkly.

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